Sage 50 HR Error Connecting Mysql

In this article, you will get a complete guide on the Sage 50 HR error connecting Mysql, along with its causes and resolutions to fix this error. If you are also not able to connect to your database, then you don’t need to worry.

Being able to connect to a database is important, but being able to correct the error if you can’t is also valuable. When you first try to connect to your MySQL database. Sometimes, this error can be caused by the third-party plugin or add-on you are using.

What is Sage 50 HR Error Connecting Mysql

One common issue that users experience when connecting to their sage HR server is an error message stating the MySQL server has failed. This error can be caused by several reasons, but the most common reason is that the user’s MySQL database is not up to date. You can see a Sage 50 error connecting to the database notice when you open the sample file or a company file. The Connection Manager is unable to start the database engine, and this issue can appear with a variety of messages on your screen.

What are the Causes behind Sage 50 HR Error Connecting Mysql?

There are several possible causes of this error, and each user will experience it in different ways. The following are some of the most common causes of the Sage HR error connecting to MySQL:

Failed to connect to MySQL: This is typically caused by a problem with the network or the MySQL server. Make sure you have a valid and up-to-date TCP/IP address, as well as an active internet connection.

Failed to establish connection: This failure can be caused by many different things, including outdated or corrupt MySQL software, low bandwidth connections, or faulty hardware. Ensure that your computer has the correct version of MySQL  🖥️ installed and that all system requirements are met.

Incorrect user name or password: If you are using a personal account rather than a database account, make sure that you enter the correct username and password. You can find these details in your mysql_config file.

Cannot open database: This error can be caused by missing permissions or corrupt files.

What are the Resolutions to Fix the Sage 50 HR Error Connecting Mysql?

Now that you have a complete guide on Sage 50 HR Error Connecting Mysql, you can easily resolve the database error.

Resolution 1: If you want to find the Sage 50 HR File

  • For Windows Vista, 7, Server 2008, and 2011 you need to follow the path C:\Program Data\Sage\HR.
  • For Server 2000, 2003, or Windows XP you need to follow the path C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Sage\HR

If you want to find the Temporary folder of Sage MySQL

  • For Server 2000, 2003, or Windows XP you need to follow the path C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Temporary SageMySQL Files.
  • For Windows Vista, 7, Server 2008, and 2011 you need to follow the path C:\ProgramData\Temporary SageMySQL Files.
NoteIf anti-virus software is running at the same time as the backup, it will prevent the backup from being completed successfully and cause Sage 50 to lockdown.

Resolution 2: Check if the data files are stored on your server computer

If the data files are stored on your server computer, then you need to follow the steps that are given below.

1. You need to test with the sample company

If you need to test with the sample company, then follow the steps that are mentioned below:

  • If you want to test with the company sample for Windows XP then you need to go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Simply Accounting\201X\Samdata\.
  • If you want to test with the company sample for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows 8, then you need to go to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Simply Accounting\201X\Samdata\.

2. You need to check if the sample company opens successfully.

If the sample company opens up successfully, then you need to follow the given steps:

  • First, you need to make sure that the firewall on the server where the data is stored is set up correctly
  • Then you need to check whether or not your company’s data is saved on a server and, if so, on which drive.
  • Most likely, you have programs installed on the C: disc and data on the D: drive. Examine the permissions of the shared folder containing the data.
  • After that, you need to create a new sharing folder at the root of C:\. 
  • Once done, transfer the contents to the new folder.
  • Now make sure that all users have full permissions.
  • The following step is to attempt to open data from a newly created folder.
  • Finally, instead of the computer name, use the IP address of the server in the data file.
Note: It is important to note that the ports that are responsible for the communitarian with the Connection Manager are added.

3. You need to check if the sample company is open or not

If you want to check if the sample company is open or not, then you need to check the given steps: 

  • First, check the firewall or antivirus for any Sage 50 processes that have been blocked, and if any have been found, provide them complete access.
  • Then if your antivirus/firewall is properly installed yet the sample company still doesn’t operate on Windows XP, the issue could be with the Microsoft.NET Framework.
  • Now if you are using Sage 50 on a Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 computer and you’re having issues with the local sample company, the .NET components on your operating system may have been corrupted or damaged.

Resolution 3: Check if the data files are located in C:\PROGRAM FILES\ (or C:\PROGRAM FILES (x86)\) and if the sample company file opens

If you want to check if the data files are located in C:\PROGRAM FILES\ (or C:\PROGRAM FILES (x86)\) and if the sample company file opens then you need to follow the given steps:

  • First, you need to move the.SAJ folder and.SAI file to another location. Remove them from the C:\PROGRAM FILES\ (or C:\PROGRAM FILES (x86)\). 
  • Then right-click on the SAJ when you’re finished.
  • After that select Properties from the drop-down menu.
  • Now make sure the Hidden and Read-only checkboxes are both unchecked.
  • Once done, go to Security if they are.
  • Then verify that all of the above Groups or Usernames have Full Control access rights.
  • After that, you need to click OK.
  • Then go to the SAJ folder and open it.
  • The following step is to identify and delete the PID file.
  • Finally, double-check that you can now open the data file with ease.

Resolution 4: You need to check the ODBC Issue

If you want to check the ODBC issue then you need to follow the given steps: 

  • First, make sure that ODBC is installed in the control panel’s Programs and Features or Add Remove Programs sections.
  • Then you need to verify that the ODBC 5.2(a)/MySQL Connector and ODBC 3.51/MySQL Connector are connected.
  • Then you need to check that the ODBC/MySQL Connector must be installed.
  • After that, if required, double-check both versions.
  • Now use the path C:\Sage\Sage 50 Accounting Installer Files (navigate to 201*\ BIN\MySQLODBC for CDN Release). 
  • Finally, check if X denotes the Sage version (year).

Resolution 5: If you are an existing user (your computer isn’t new) then find the restore point

To find the restore point if you are an existing user, then you need to follow the given steps.

  • First, restore your computer to its prior settings when your Sage 50 application was working.
  • It is recommended that you use Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 restore points.
  • Then to locate the restore points, go to Windows Start.
  • After that go to the Control Panel.
  • The following step is to select the System or Recovery option. 
  • Finally, follow the wizard procedure to find the restore point when the .NET components are upgraded.

If you are experiencing an HR error connecting to MySQL, there are a few things that you can do to troubleshoot the issue. However, if you are still stuck or have queries then you can reach out to the Ask for Accounting Sage 50 customer helpdesk for quick and easy assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make sure that the firewall on the server where the data is stored is set up correctly while fixing the Sage 50 HR Error Connecting Mysql?

Follow the given steps to check that the firewall on the server where the data is stored is set up correctly:

● First, you need to select Control Panel from the Windows icon.
● Then the window for the Control Panel will appear.
● After that select System and Security from the drop-down menu.
● Now The Security and System Panel will appear.
● The following step is to select Windows Firewall from the drop-down menu.
● Finally, use Windows Firewall if you see a green checkmark.

What are the basic System requirements you require while working with Sage 50 HR Error Connecting Mysql?

The following are the basic system requirements:

● Server 2008 R2 or higher is required.
● Server 2008 R2 and Server 2008 Service Pack 2 are two separate versions of Server 2008.
● Windows 7 or above is required.

Do you need to check if your computer is brand new while resolving the Sage 50 HR Error Connecting Mysql?

Yes, you need to reset to the default factory settings,

● Use the computer’s manufacturer’s recovery disc to restore Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 to its factory default settings.
● You can also look at the manufacturer’s information.

To resolve the Sage 50 HR Error Connecting Mysql, how should you make sure that your MySQL server is up-to-date?

You can check this by going to the MySQL website and searching for the latest version of the software. If your MySQL server is outdated, it may cause problems when trying to connect to it. If you are still having trouble connecting to MySQL, you can try restarting your computer and your MySQL server. This should resolve any connection issues that you are experiencing.

