Create a Custom Report in QuickBooks Desktop

Create a Custom Report in QuickBooks Desktop

You can create presentation-worthy reports that combine multiple reports in the same document using Management Reports. To access management reports, open the reports center and then click management custom reports. QuickBooks comes equipped with three different management reports. Let’s take a look at the company overview report. Learn how to create a custom report in QuickBooks Desktop.

How to Create a Custom Report in QuickBooks Desktop

Management reports include a cover page that details when the reports were prepared. And scrolling down, they also include a Table of Contents displaying which reports are shown on which pages. Scrolling down further here’s the first report which is a Profit and Loss and it also displays the date range for the report. Scrolling down further, we can see the other reports included in this report which is the Balance Sheet.

  • And there can also be a final page at the very end within any nodes.
  • From here, you can print the report.
  • But you can see more options for the report by closing the report and then clicking the Actions drop-down arrow.
  • From here, you can export it as a PDF or a DOCX.
  • Copy and also email by using Send. You can even edit these management reports by clicking edit.

From here you can change the Cover style, alter any of these options, and also include your company’s logo. On the left-hand side, you can also access the table of contents information, as well as the preliminary pages if you have any notes that you want to add to the Management Report.

  • Scroll down, to choose the report options.
  • You’ll see all of the default reports included in the Management Report here.
  • You can alter them by clicking on the pencil button to the right, or you can also add new reports with this link.
  • You can add endnotes to the Management Report, and save any of your changes down here at the bottom.
  • Use management reports to combine reports in a presentation-worthy package.

If you have faced any issues following the steps above, ask QuickBooks Proadvisor for help.

