convert Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online

Convert Data from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online

Let us go to the end of this text to have a better understanding and knowledge of everything related to this data convert from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online. But first, consider what can and cannot be modified.

Nothing tops the well-known names like Sage 50 and QuickBooks Online when it comes to the best accounting software. Over the years, both foundations have refined and launched several versions of their accounting systems, ranging from desktop-based offline software tools to cloud-based solutions.

Table of Contents

Benefits of Switching from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online

  • From anywhere in the world you can access your account
  • On any device, you can manage your finances, including smartphones and tablets
  • User-friendly interface
  • In real time you can collaborate with others

What Things to Convert from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online?

Before beginning the process of converting data to QuickBooks from Sage 50, one should be aware of the most sensitive and delicate useful understanding. Take a look at the list below for a full breakdown of what may and cannot be converted.

A. Things that Can’t be Converted

  • Budgets
  • Memorized transactions
  • Invoice Template
  • attachments
  • Non-posting entries
  • Closed or partially closed estimates and purchase orders
  • Deleted transactions
  • Reversed journal entries
  • Bank reconciliation history
  • Fixed Assets
  • Sales orders
  • Work tickets

B. Things that Can be Converted

  • Opening balances
  • Customers and vendors
  • Chart of accounts
  • Invoices and credits
  • Journal entries
  • Transactional history
  • Matched payments

Keep in mind the following items that can and cannot be converted before starting with the converting procedure.

Convert from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online

Transitioning from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online is significantly easier than most people believe. Let’s have a look at how simple it is using the following tutorial. Before we proceed with the actual procedure there are a few important and mandatory things to be done right ahead of the conversion process. Let us take a look at how to convert from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online and what to do.

Make a Backup of Sage 50 Data Before the Conversion Process

Creating a Sage 50 backup is the most crucial part. You must back up your firm’s data files frequently in case information is accidentally destroyed or corrupted. You can then retrieve your data if necessary.

Here’s how to create a Backup of Sage 50 Data, follow the steps with accuracy to avoid any data loss or corruption in any data file.

  • For the foremost step, move to the file menu to select the Back-Up.
  • Sage 50 displays the Back Up Company window.
  • After the subsequent step, further hit the Include company name check box if you want Sage 50 to include your company name in the name of the backup file it creates.
  • Now, if you want Sage 50 to back up your archived businesses, then, Tick the Include archives in the backup check box.
  • Check the Include attachments in the backup box if you want Sage 50 to backup files that you’ve linked to records and transactions.
  • For the next step, if you want Sage 50 to backup files that you’ve linked to records and transactions, check the Include attachments This option will be disabled if you do not have any attachments in the Backup form You can change this if you like. Sage 50 backup files use the *.ptb file extension.
  • Save the file, next Sage 50 indicates the anticipated size of your backup in megabytes (MB).
  • Click the OK button.

The following points are to be taken care of in terms of the preparation before Sage 50 to QB Conversion.

Step 1: Pre-conversion checklist tasks in Sage 50

There are some tasks you must do and others that are optional before sending your Sage 50 file to Dataswitcher for conversion. Although optional chores don’t apply to everyone, we nonetheless advise that you review them in case they do. 

Complete your current tax period before conversion 

We do not advise changing your Sage 50 file in the middle of tax season. Planning your conversion for the conclusion of your current period or a future period is advised. You should file your taxes based on information in your Sage 50 file at the end of the tax period before beginning a new period in QuickBooks Online.

Check the integrity of your Sage 50 file

Poor quality data conversion will lead to problems with QuickBooks Online later. You must verify the integrity of your Sage 50 file to reduce the risk of this occurring. By doing the steps listed below, you can do this in Sage 50:

  • Click Help on the main menu.
  • Then you have to select Support Utilities
  • Now you have to choose Integrity check.

Before you start the conversion, any inconsistency that Sage 50 reveals must be fixed.

Review account number ranges

Account IDs, which Sage 50 refers to as account numbers, are ranges. Verify that all account numbers are inside your chart of accounts’ acceptable range. If they are not, Dataswitcher won’t be able to tell, when converting your file to QuickBooks Online, whatever account type the account number belongs to (such as Profit & Loss or Balance Sheet).

Make sure the account number that will be used to reconcile your profit and loss accounts at year’s end has not been altered from its default setting. If you don’t, when those entries are converted in QuickBooks Online, they will be duplicated, which will throw your accounts out of balance.

Clean up account numbers

Cleaning up account numbers (referred to as Account IDs in Sage 50) that are unlikely to be used in the future is a good idea. Make sure to review and assign the appropriate account to any transactions in your suspense account, which is used when there isn’t an obvious account for the transaction.

Match outstanding payments and sales

Any credit notes and pending payments on accounts should be matched with the respective invoices. If you do not match these, journal entries will be imported and must be matched after conversion. Although the balances will be accurate, it’s also conceivable that some entries in your converted historical AR & AP in QuickBooks Online will appear in the wrong column.

Aged AR & AP

Check the balances in the general ledger as of the conversion date by running your Aged AR & Aged AP reports. If not, take care of any errors and, if necessary, do a file integrity check in Sage 50.

Reconcile your bank accounts

Sage 50 requires a complete reconciliation of your tax accounts.  Otherwise, it will be challenging to check whether the conversion was successful.

Run the reports that will be utilized for audits following the conversion

You are in charge of reviewing the outcomes once your conversion is complete. Before your conversion, you must run the following reports in Sage 50 and download a copy of them.

  • Report of the balance sheet as of the conversion date
  • Account amounts as of the conversion date in banks
  • Up to the conversion date, aged receivables
  • up until the conversion date, aged payables
  • Trial Balance through the date of conversion
  • Income statement
  • Sales that are exempt from sales tax or are taxable

Dataswitcher will convert everything to your local currency if the option to display foreign currencies is enabled while extracting the trial balance.

Make a backup of your Sage 50 file

We advise renaming this backup file PRE_CONVERSION.PTB if you haven’t yet cleaned up your Sage 50 file. Using the filename PRE_CONVERSION.001 is advised if your Sage 50 file has already been cleaned up. If you need to get in touch with QuickBooks Online assistance, we’ll use either of these file names. 

If you are unsure of how to build a backup of your Sage 50 file, please contact Sage Help.

You should also make a copy of the following documents and preserve them securely for auditing purposes:

  • Sales tax data
  • obtain a tax report
  • Account activities
Clean up and repair your Sage 50 database

If you decide to do this, be careful to finish the preceding step (create a backup of your Sage 50 file) first. Sage 50 files are susceptible to corruption over time, just like any locally stored data file. You must clean up your file if you think it might be corrupt before sending it to Dataswitcher.

Rebuild your Sage 50 data file

You should rebuild the data file if Sage 50 password authentication is giving you problems. If you have any questions about how to rebuild your data file, please get in touch with Sage support.

You need to compress data and all data files after the rebuild is finished.

As we will use this file name if you contact QuickBooks Online support, create another backup and name it DS_CONVERSION.001 (this is the file that will have your most recent changes and is cleaned up).

Step 2: Pre-conversion checklist tasks in QuickBooks Online

There are some activities in QuickBooks Online that you must finish before submitting your Sage 50 file to Dataswitcher and others that are optional. Even if optional tasks may not apply to you.

Delete all of your data from QuickBooks Online

Once you start the conversion process, there must be no previous transactions in your QuickBooks Online file. If your company does have data, you must remove it from QuickBooks Online before sending your Sage 50 file to Dataswitcher.

Sales Tax

Before your conversion, QuickBooks Online shouldn’t have had Sales Tax activated. You will need to remove your QuickBooks Online data if it has been activated.

Accounts with banks and credit cards

QuickBooks Online may ask you to link your bank and credit card accounts when you first log in. Please wait to perform this until the post-conversion checklist instructs you to do so.

Multiple currencies

You should enable multi-currency in QuickBooks Online if you use multiple currencies in Sage 50. Be sure to enable multi-currency after deleting your QuickBooks Online data if you intend to do so, as doing so will reset your settings.

Projects & Departments

The tracking of classes & locations in QuickBooks Online should be enabled if you use departments and projects in Sage 50.  Be sure to enable multi-currency after deleting your QuickBooks Online data if you intend to do so, as doing so will reset your settings.

Step 3: Get started Converting Sage 50 data to QuickBooks Online

You will have a file named DS_CONVERSION.001 (not PRE_CONVERSION.001) if you have finished all the pre-conversion checklist items for Sage 50 and QuickBooks Online. You will send this file to Dataswitcher. You must fill out the online form on our website to send your file to Dataswitcher. You will be taken to the Dataswitcher conversion wizard by doing this.

The steps below are what the Dataswitcher conversion wizard will walk you through.

A: What you need to know

You will be prompted to: on the Dataswitcher conversion wizard’s first screen.

  • Take a look at the conversion checklist.
  • Reset the password for QuickBooks Online.
  • Till the conversion is finished, refrain from using QuickBooks Online.

Select Let’s do it when you’re prepared. 

B: Contact details

You must provide the following details: 

  • Company name.
  • Email address of the conversion-related employee in your company.

Next or sign in using your Intuit ID are available.

C: What would you like to move?

Select Continue after choosing the Pro plan. 

D: Review your selection

The data that will be converted by default is shown in Dataswitcher along with additional additions that are optional. Choose the appropriate option if you want to add any optional extras to your conversion.

To continue, click Confirm. 

E: Prepare your data

Check the boxes to show that you have finished all pre-conversion requirements, such as:

  • In Sage 50, all accounts were reconciled.
  • Completed tax reporting in Sage 50
  • Extracted from Sage 50 all open invoices and credits.
  • As stated in the pre-conversion procedures, you extracted all necessary reports from Sage 50.
  • I checked to make sure you are using accrual accounting.
  • Online QuickBooks has been reset.
  • The limits of the Sage 50 conversion procedure have been read and comprehended.

By clicking Browse on the computer, choosing your Sage 50 file, and then selecting Open when all checkboxes have been checked, you can upload your Sage 50 file.

For your file to upload, click Confirm. 

F: Data file checks

To make sure that QuickBooks Online is prepared to receive your converted data, Dataswitcher will start reviewing your account settings right away. Please wait; this typically takes a few minutes. Do not shut off your browser during this time.

Select Start to begin sending your Sage 50 file to Dataswitcher after this is finished.

G: We are moving your data

Dataswitcher verifies that they have started the conversion process for your data, and they will give you a URL that you can type into your browser at any moment to check the conversion’s progress.

Additionally, you will get an email confirming that you got your Sage 50 data file. You can examine the progress of your conversion at any time by clicking a link that will take you back to the Dataswitcher conversion wizard.

Step 4: Post-conversion checklist tasks in QuickBooks Online

You must check and approve your conversion before utilizing QuickBooks Online. Some of the tasks that are required and optional for reviewing your file are listed below. Although optional chores don’t apply to everyone, we nonetheless advise that you evaluate them in case they do.

Review and approve your conversion

You will get an email from Dataswitcher with the subject line Your conversion is ready to review after your data has been converted. You have 72 hours to review and approve your conversion from the date and time of receipt. Dataswitcher takes over approval after 72 hours. Selecting Review conversion will send you to the Dataswitcher conversion wizard, where you can review your file.

Register with QuickBooks Online. After that, review your conversion using the procedures outlined in the following sections of this article. When you are satisfied with your conversion, please:

  • Use the email with the subject Your conversion is ready to review to go back to the Dataswitcher conversion wizard.
  • Select Review conversion.
  • To confirm that you have finished the checklist and are in favor of the migration, check the appropriate box.
  • Now that the conversion has been approved, you can use QuickBooks Online.

Do not connect your bank or credit card accounts

Mark up your transactions in QuickBooks Online as reconciled to reflect the bank reconciliation you performed in Sage 50 before conversion before integrating your bank or credit card accounts. Connecting your bank or credit card accounts is discussed later; don’t do it now. 

Enter or review your company information

You had the choice to ask Dataswitcher to convert your company’s contact information (address, phone, email, etc.) for you when you uploaded your file. You just need to check it for accuracy if you chose this. If not, you must do so right away. 

To enter your company information:

  • Select Account and Settings from the Settings menu.
  • Enter your company’s name and contact details after choosing Company.
  • To conduct billing communications and customer communications properly, update or check the email addresses.
  • In the Company email field, provide the email address where you want Intuit to send you monthly invoices for your QuickBooks Online membership.
  • Enter the email address you want your clients to identify with your company in the Customer-facing email box if you do not want them to reach you at the Company email address.
  • Choose Save.

Set Fiscal Start Month

  • Begin by selecting Advanced.
  • Choose the first month of your fiscal year in Accounting.
  • Now you have to select Save, and then click on Done.

Check your data by comparing reports in Sage 50 and QuickBooks Online

Run the following reports in QuickBooks Online by This Fiscal Year or This Year and compare them with the reports you previously exported from Sage 50. Note that QuickBooks Online reports on specific days, whereas Sage 50 reports on periods. Use the dates Sage 50 provides for the end of periods when checking your conversion in QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks Online reportSage 50 report to compare it with
Balance SheetBalance Sheet
Trial BalanceTrial Balance
Accounts Receivable Aging SummaryAged Receivables
Accounts Payable Aging SummaryAged Payables
Profit and LossIncome Statement

Sales Tax

If you collect sales tax, enable sales tax in QuickBooks Online and check the accuracy of the sales tax balances there. Keep in mind the limitations placed on the Sage 50 conversion service in terms of Sales Tax.

You must access the Sales Tax Liability Report in QuickBooks Online and compare it with the Taxable / Exempt Sales report in Sage 50 to check your sales tax amounts.

Mark up transactions as reconciled

We requested that you balance your transactions in Sage 50 before transferring your data to Dataswitcher in the pre-conversion checklist for Sage 50. There needs to be a record of that reconciliation in your QuickBooks Online file. To fix this, you must mark all transactions that occurred before the conversion date as reconciled so that only subsequent transactions will be taken into account.

To do this, you have to launch QuickBooks Online’s bank reconciliation process, and when prompted, follow these steps:

  • Choose the blank check next to Deposit (USD).
  • Select All and click Yes.
  • Choose Finish Now from the dropdown menu next to Save for Later. 

All transactions that were converted from Sage 50 are now recognized as reconciled by QuickBooks Online.

Match unmatched entries

If you have manual journal entries in the AR and/or AP accounts in Sage 50, as described in the limits of the Sage 50 conversion service section, these transactions will be shown in suspense customer and/or vendor accounts in QuickBooks Online after conversion. These journal entries should be connected to the corresponding bills and invoices. This will impact your trial balance if you don’t do it.

  • You have to open a vendor
  • Proceed to step 3 if the open balance is less than the past-due balance; otherwise, move on to the following vendor.
  • Make a new check.
  • Choose Add All.
  • The amount paid should be 0.00 when Quickbooks automatically links the journal entries and the bills.
  • Close after selecting Save.

Step 5: Start Using QuickBooks Online

You can start using QuickBooks Online as soon as you have reviewed, checked off, and authorized your conversion on the post-conversion checklist.

Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online Conversion System Requirements

Now that we know what we might be able to convert, let us not waste any time and go right into what we need to accomplish first. Consider the System Requirements for converting from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online.

The above-presented information has effectively guided you through the entire concept of Convert from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online. All the optimum advantages and their unique and individual features are listed in this article.

If you are still facing any issues or have any doubts convert from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online concerning the above-listed information you can connect with our QuickBooks Online help team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can data be moved between Sage and QuickBooks Online?

You will want the assistance of a third-party conversion firm to transfer your data from Sage to QuickBooks Online. Our data migration partner, Dataswitcher, is on hand to support you during the changeover.

How to convert Sage 50 to Excel?

You have to click Export
Then you have to browse to where you want to save the file
Now you have to enter a file name and then you have to file type
You have to click Save
After that, you have to click Report to Excel
Sage 50 Accounts v23. 1 or below and then you have to click Excel.

What are the things to keep in mind before the conversion from Sage 50 to QuickBooks Online?

A few things, one shall bear in mind, are as follows: 

● The QuickBooks Database and Sage 50 related files should be stored on the computer’s hard disc.
● To make the conversion possible, Sage 50 should be installed on the same computer as the QuickBooks program.
● The process’s conversion tool cannot be used for cross-region conversions.

How to Convert to QuickBooks Online?

First, you have to go to Company
Then you have to choose Export Company File to QuickBooks Online.
Now you have to select Start your company and then you have to choose the QuickBooks Online that you want to replace with the company file.

Is it possible to mark up transactions as reconciled?

Yes, it is very much possible to do so. Here’s how to do it:
● First, Select a blank check next to Deposit (USD).
● After that, proceed to hit on Yes and all.
● Finally, Next to Save for later, select the dropdown and select Finish Now.

What is the maximum number of characters that may be used to create a password?

When the users generate a password, ensure sure it is no more than 8 characters long. The new password has an 8-character maximum, and exceeding it will cause the conversion tool to malfunction.

Is it possible to set a Fiscal month in QBO, if yes how?

Yes, fortunately, it is possible to set a Fiscal month in QBO, here’s how to do it:

● First, the option advanced.
● Then, on the appeared screen, in the Accounting section proceed to select the first month of your fiscal year.
● Then, hit on Save and Done.

How to prepare your data?

To do so, tickmark the below-mentioned checkboxes:

● Completed tax reporting in Sage 50.
● Extracted all required reports from Sage 50 as described in the pre-conversion steps.
● Verified that you are using the accrual accounting method.
● QuickBooks Online has been reset.
● Reconciled all accounts in Sage 50.
● Extracted all open invoices and credits from Sage 50.
● Read and understood the limitations of the Sage 50 conversion process.

